A test tube filled with six different sizes of tapestry needles. One for each of your yarn hobbies!
These needles feature “large eyes” and come in the following lengths: 1.57 inches, 1.8 inches, 2 inches, 2.2 inches, 2.36 inches, and 2.6 inches. Ideal for finishing touches like weaving in ends and stitching seams in your crochet and knitting endeavors.
A test tube filled with six different sizes of tapestry needles. One for each of your yarn hobbies!
These needles feature “large eyes” and come in the following lengths: 1.57 inches, 1.8 inches, 2 inches, 2.2 inches, 2.36 inches, and 2.6 inches. Ideal for finishing touches like weaving in ends and stitching seams in your crochet and knitting endeavors.
A test tube filled with six different sizes of tapestry needles. One for each of your yarn hobbies!
These needles feature “large eyes” and come in the following lengths: 1.57 inches, 1.8 inches, 2 inches, 2.2 inches, 2.36 inches, and 2.6 inches. Ideal for finishing touches like weaving in ends and stitching seams in your crochet and knitting endeavors.